The large ischemic cerebral infarction (LICI) is a blood supply loss of a large area in the brain, mainly on the middle cerebral artery. Is possible that evolutes a major edema, intracranial hypertension and death in about 80% of the cases.
Objective: To evaluate the results of a decompressive craniectomy on the treatment of the secondary intracranial hypertension to LICI, comparing to other results of medical literature already published.
Method: Were analysed 34 patients diagnosed with LICI clinically treated unsuccessfully that needed further on the decompressive craniectomy treatment, for the control of intracranial hypertension.
Results: 8 patients (23.52%) died, 26 (76.47%) survived, and 2 (7.70%) developed a vegetative state condition.
Conclusion: The factors age over 50 years and male gender were associated with a high death risk. The level of consciousness at admission and bone flap area were nearer the values of statistic significance.