The worsening shortage of donor kidneys for transplant and the aging of both the donor and candidate populations have contributed to the increasing importance of ECD kidney transplantation. While ECD transplants have an increased risk of graft failure, for most candidates patient survival is still improved over remaining on dialysis. Because of this risk, however, ECD kidneys have a high likelihood of discard; significant geographic variation in discard and transplant rates impedes maximum utilization of these kidneys. The ECD allocation system was implemented to help facilitate expeditious placement of ECD kidneys to pre-consented candidates by a simplified allocation algorithm. Under this system, recovery and transplantation of ECD kidneys have increased at rates not seen with non-ECD kidneys and not predicted by preexisting trends. More disappointing has been the lack of effect on the percentage of discards and DGF, despite significant reductions in CIT. The disadvantage in graft survival for ECD kidneys extends equally across the spectrum of recipient characteristics, such that no one group of candidates has a proportionately smaller increase in risk. However, benefit analyses comparing the risk of accepting an ECD kidney versus waiting for a non-ECD kidney demonstrate a significant ECD benefit for older and diabetic candidates in regions with prolonged waiting times. The potential value of an ECD kidney to an individual candidate hinges upon the ability to receive it substantially earlier than a non-ECD kidney. Thus, future allocation efforts may focus on ensuring that is the case. In allocation driven by net benefit, ECD kidneys may become an alternative for those who might not otherwise receive a kidney transplant.