The vocal cord polyp is an inflammatory false tumour of the larynx. It is characterized mainly by the specific existence of fibrinous exsudats organized in loose network or mounds, surrounded by newly formed vascular slits. The epithelium covering the polyp is usually more or less impaired.
Clinical cases: The authors report two adult patients among whom the initial presentation in video-stroboscopy was that of an intracordal lesion of a cystic type, however; with unusual characteristics (purplish color, angiomatous aspect). The surgery consisted of a cordotomy, the surface epithelium appearing normal. After dissection, the two lesions seemed to be presenting the typical aspect of fibrinoïd mound of a polyp, observation confirmed by the anatomo-pathological study. In these cases, the resection was finally carried out with no mucous loss.
Conclusion: The particular etiopathogeny of these lesions is been discussed. The treatment, medical and of rehabilitation could achieve a partial recovery. In the event of surgery, an access to the lesion through a cordotomy and not directly by removal with microcissors is advised.