A risk of haemorrhage in arteriovenous malformations (AVM) of the brain is estimated as 2-4% per year. A mortality rate from this reason is estimated as 1% per year and morbidity 10-20%. The methods of treatment ofAVM are: microsurgical treatment, radiosurgery, endovascular treatment. The aim of this work is presentation of our results of surgical treatment of AVM and comparison with the results of radiosurgical and endovascular treatment presented by other authors in the literature.
Material and methods: Between 1990-2002 in the Department of Neurosurgery of Medical University of Silesia in Katowice 31 patients were operated with AVM's of the brain. Among them there were 10 female and 21 male at the age from 10 to 69 years. The average age was 36.1. The first sign was intracranial haemorrhage in 19 cases and epileptic seizures in 9 cases. In all cases the cerebral angiography was performed and all patients were assessed as I to III score according to the Spetzler-Martin scale. All patients were operated on using microneurosurgical techniques. The total removal of the tumour was assessed using the intraoperative Doppler examination. The state of the patients at the discharge was estimated according to Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS).
Results: In all cases the malformations were removed totally. In 2 cases (6.4%) we noticed the deterioration of neurological condition after operation. The state of 28 patients (90.3%) was assessed as very good and good (I or II score) according to GOS at the discharge. We didn't notice any mortality in our group of patients.
Conclusions: In the conclusion we want to emphasize the advantages of surgical treatment of AVM's of the brain especially these including in I to III score according to Spetzler-Martin scale comparing with the results ofradiosurgical and endovascular methods of treatment.