Müllerian metaplasia of the female genital tract is usually of limited extent and subtype. We describe the replacement of the lining of the entire genital tract and much of the overlying pelvic serosa by metaplastic müllerian epithelium, in a nulliparous 65-year-old woman with cervical agenesis. She did not have Peutz-Jeghers syndrome and had not had any form of prior hormonal treatment. The metaplastic epithelium extended from the vagina to the serosal surface of the pelvic organs. Mucinous epithelium predominated. In addition, there was multifocal dysplasia of the metaplastic epithelium; this was most prominent in the fallopian tubes where there was marked papillation with cytoarchitectural features reminiscent of a borderline mucinous ovarian tumor. Although müllerian metaplasia is well recognized at different sites within the female genital tract, this highly unusual finding of multiple metaplastic epithelial subtypes and dysplasia involving the mucinous metaplastic epithelium along the entire genital tract and pelvic serosal surface has not, to the best of our knowledge, been reported previously in the absence of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.