In recent years interventional pulmonology techniques have found their place in the palliative treatment of lung cancer invading central airways (trachea and principal bronchi). The curative effect of interventional techniques is reported in a number of studies with very different success ratios, but with excellent potential and perspective. Increase in number and variety of these techniques led to the development of internationally accepted guidelines for their use. The choice of a specific interventional technique in the treatment of lung cancer patients with central airway obstruction (CAO) depends on several factors: patient's general condition and comorbidities, type and characteristics of airway stenosis, availability of techniques and trained personnel. The aim of this review was to introduce interventional pulmonology procedures aimed at urgent desobstruction of central airways obstruction to medical oncologists who are dealing with the problem of malignant CAO. We tried to emphasize indications, contraindications, technique procedure and possible complications in the treatment of malignant CAO. At the Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina Nd: YAG laser resection, electrocautery, argon plasma coagulation and metallic and silicone stent insertions for immediate treatment of malignant CAO are practised.