There are many circumstances in science where the process of measuring the properties of a system alters the system. An imaging process can exert an inadvertent effect on the object being observed. Consequently, what we observe does not necessarily represent what had been present before the observation. Normally, this effect can be ignored if the consequence of such a change is believed not to be significant. The expansion of nanostructured materials has made high-resolution transmission electron microscopy one of the indispensable tools for probing the characteristics of nanomaterials. Modification of nanoparticles by the electron beam during their imaging has been widely noticed and this is generally believed to be due to electron beam-induced heating effect, defect formation in the particles, charging of the particle, or excitation of surrounding gases. However, an explicit experimental identification of which process dominates is often very hard to establish. We report the thickening of native oxide layer on iron nanoparticle under electron beam irradiation. Based on atomic level imaging, electron diffraction, and computer simulation, we have direct evidence that the protecting oxide layer formed on Fe nanoparticle at room temperature in air or oxygen continues to grow during an electron beam bombardment in the vacuum system typical of most TEM systems. Typically, the oxide layer increases from approximately 3 to approximately 6 nm following approximately 1h electron beam exposure typically with an electron flux of 7 x 10(5)nm(-2)s(-1) and an vacuum of approximately 3 x 10(-5)Pa. Partial illumination of a nanoparticle and observation of the shell thickening conclusively demonstrates that many of the mechanisms postulated to explain such processes are not occurring to a significant extent. The observed growth is not related to the electron beam-induced heating of the nanoparticle, or residual oxygen ionization, or establishment of an electrical field, rather it is related to electron beam-facilitated mass transport across the oxide layer (a defect-related process). The growth follows a parabolic growth law.