Evaluation of nasal epithelial samples is a part of clinical allergy practice. The aim of this study is to reveal the sensitivity of the nasal eosinophilia using Rhino-probe and Wright-Giemsa staining by means of all available nasal eosinophilia scoring systems. In 30 patients (12 males, 18 females; mean age = 31.6 years) with clinical diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, both sides of the nose were sampled. The content of the cupped tip of the probe has been prepared and stained for nasal cytological examination under oil immersion by light microscopy. Nasal eosinophilia has been assessed by scoring systems. The sensitivity of nasal eosinophilia has been revealed. The nasal eosinophilia scores have been compared between nasal sides (right or left nose) and also between the examiners' observations for the same sample. Sensitivity values of nasal eosinophilia according to previously described criteria in the literature have been found to be between 13.33 and 80%. As the agreements for the nasal eosinophilia diagnosis between the sides of the nasal cavity and between the blinded examiners, the criteria of nasal eosinophilia such as the ratio of eosinophils to neutrophils or to all inflammatory cells rendered different diagnoses between the examiners (P < 0.01). The results of nasal cavity sides and Meltzer-scoring yielded no differences (P > 0.05). The substantial intraindividual variations when comparing the results obtained from the nasal sides and low sensitivity reveal that the nasal cytology needs more objective and standardized methods for a better differential diagnosis of chronic rhinitis.