Background: Measures on objective caregiver burden in partners of Heart Failure patients are hardly available and never include HF specific aspects.
Aim: The main objective of our study was to develop an inventory that assesses the objective caregiver burden of partners of HF patients, including the full range of potential care giving demands.
Methods: To develop the inventory, six domains of caregiving demands were identified. Items for the domains were generated from the literature, expert opinion and existing scales. The original 50-items self-report inventory was administered to 321 partners of HF patients. Demographic data of HF partners were collected by questionnaire. Clinical data of the HF patients were collected by chart review.
Results: Component analysis led to exclusion of 12 original items and to a meaningful four-factor solution with a total explained variance of 43%. The components reflected four different kinds of care giving tasks; personal care, emotional, motivational and practical (treatment related) support. They demonstrated good internal consistency and initial validity was supported by a pattern of meaningful associations with external variables.
Conclusion: The Objective Burden Inventory is a promising inventory to assess objective care giving tasks performed by HF partners, including emotional and motivational support. It provides information on the caregiver situation that may help to develop effective interventions.