Satellite RNAs associated with Bamboo mosaic virus (satBaMV) exhibit different phenotypes. Some isolates could reduce the accumulation of BaMV RNA and attenuate the BaMV-induced symptoms in co-inoculated plants. The determinants of the downregulation of BaMV replication were mapped in the 5' hypervariable region of satBaMV, which folds into a conserved apical hairpin stem loop (AHSL) structure comprising an apical loop and two internal loops, as evidenced by enzymatic probing. We also demonstrated that the integrity of the AHSL structure of interfering satBaMV was essential for the interference of BaMV accumulation. Concurrent analyses of natural satBaMV isolates revealed that all of the interfering isolates contained the same structures and sequences in the internal loops. Further, refined analyses indicated that, besides the AHSL structure, specific nucleotides in the internal loops play a crucial role in the downregulation, which implies that they may be required for the interaction of viral/cellular factors in this process.