Numerical chromosome aberrations in germ cells are important factors contributing to abnormal reproductive outcomes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization onto spermatozoa (sperm-FISH) has allowed the study of the influence of a wide range of biological factors and chemical exposure on aneuploidy incidences in human sperm as well as in mouse and rat animal models. The assay presented here extends the applicability of the sperm-FISH method to non-human primates and was tested in the prevalent model species, the rhesus macaque. The assay provides probes for macaque chromosomes 17, 18, 19, 20, X and Y, the homologues of human chromosomes 13, 18, 19, 16, X and Y, respectively. The analysis of 11 000 spermatozoa each from five individuals revealed spontaneous sex chromosomal disomy frequencies (X: 0.08%; Y: 0.09%) and an average autosomal disomy frequency (0.03%) coinciding with some of the lowest incidences scored in human studies. The non-human primate sperm-FISH assay provides a fast and efficient tool complementing the available analysis methods in non-human primate exposure studies. Since the assay employs large locus-specific FISH probes representing evolutionary conserved DNA sequences, it can be expected that the assay is also applicable to other cercopithecoid and hominoid non-human primate species.