The seeding and working banks of a 4647-cell culture have been created. The 4647-cell culture in these banks has a high proliferative activity, as well as the morphology, typical of this line, and the karyotype and the enzymogram, which are characteristic for the cells of an African talapoin (Cercopithecus aethiops). The culture is not contaminated with bacteria, fungi, Mycoplasma, and viruses, including oncoviruses. The deposited 4647 cells have high viral productive properties for the accumulation of the recombinant virus strain b7,5S2-S vaccine and keep the stability of all biological properties during a long-term cultivation. The continuous 4647 cell line was tested at the L. A. Tarasevich State Institute of SK. The seeding and working banks of 4647-cell culture at passages 108 and 128 are recommended as a substrate for cultivation of the strain b7,5S2-S vaccinia, used to prepare a bivaccine against smallpox and hepatitis B.