Background: An acute tear of the adductor longus tendon is a seldom injury. A proximal osseous avulsion of this tendon has never been reported in literature.
Methods: Acute repair (refixation) of the osseous avulsion with three suture anchors.
Results: Physical examinations 3, 6 and 24 months following the injury revealed no evidence of tenderness over the adductor muscle group, and range of motion was equal to the contra lateral hip. Manual muscle strength testing was 5/5 with resisted adduction and identical to the opposite side. The patient returned to his previous level of sports.
Conclusion: This case seems to be the first description of a proximal tendon rupture of the adductor longus muscle with an isolated osseous avulsion. Surgical treatment of this injury with the use of three fiberwire suture anchorstrade mark was successful.
Study design: Case report.