A new technique for the restoration of the continuity of the colon with preservation of an existing colostomy is described here. A 75-year-old male with a three-year history of abdominal-perineal resection and a well functioning end colostomy was admitted to our department for a second primary cancer of the descending colon. At operation the colon was divided close to the abdominal wall; the colostomy was left in situ while the descending colon and mesocolon were radically resected. The viability of the colostomy was being continuously inspected. An EEA stapler was then inserted through the colostomy and an anastomosis was created. Shortening the length of the operation and avoiding the possible complications that follow the creation of a new stoma are the major benefits of the technique. Still, the viability of the colostomy after its separation of the rest of the colon and mesocolon has to be ensured before proceeding.