Biochemical studies in solution and with myosin motor fragments adsorbed to surfaces (in vitro motility assays) are invaluable for elucidation of actomyosin function. However, there is limited understanding of how surface adsorption affects motor properties, e.g., catalytic activity. Here we address this issue by comparing the catalytic activity of heavy meromyosin (HMM) in solution and adsorbed to standard motility assay surfaces [derivatized with trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS)]. For these studies we first characterized the interaction of HMM and actomyosin with the fluorescent ATP analogue adenosine 5'-triphosphate Alexa Fluor 647 2'- (or 3'-) O-(N-(2-aminoethyl)urethane) hexa(triethylammonium) salt (Alexa-ATP). The data suggest that Alexa-ATP is hydrolyzed by HMM in solution at a slightly higher rate than ATP but with a generally similar mechanism. Furthermore, Alexa-ATP is effective as a fuel for HMM-propelled actin filament sliding. The catalytic activity of HMM on TMCS surfaces was studied using (1) Alexa-ATP in total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) spectroscopy experiments and (2) Alexa-ATP and ATP in HPLC-aided ATPase measurements. The results support the hypothesis of different HMM configurations on the surface. However, a dominant proportion of the myosin heads were catalytically active, and their average steady-state hydrolysis rate was slightly higher (with Alexa-ATP) or markedly higher (with ATP) on the surface than in solution. The results are discussed in relation to the use of TMCS surfaces and Alexa-ATP for in vitro motility assays and single molecule studies. Furthermore, we propose a novel TIRF microscopy method to accurately determine the surface density of catalytically active myosin motors.