Introduction: The treatment of BPH includes many possibilities, from medical treatment to open prostatectomy. During the last 20 years medical treatment has increasingly been used. Furthermore, new minimal invasive techniques have been developed. The aim of this study was to examine changes in the surgical treatment of BPH from 1993 to 2003.
Materials and methods: Data were drawn from the National Patient Register and Statistics Denmark from 1993 to 2003. For each operation case, the diagnosis, region, age group in decades, and the year of the operation were registered. BPH-related cases include prostatic hypertrophia, benign prostatic neoplasm, bladder stone, urinary retention, hematuria, LUTS, and bladder neck stenosis.
Results: In the 10-year period 63,970 prostate operations were performed. 44,347 of these operations could be related to BPH. 21% fewer prostate operations were performed in 2003 than in 1993. Standard prostate operations constituted 93-97% of all operations during the entire period. The operation rate per 1,000 men older than 50 years was median 6.5 in 1993 and 4.5 in 2003. The rate differed considerably between regions. There was a large variation in the number of operations per region with the new techniques. The use of the new techniques has been constantly low during the entire period.
Conclusion: In 2003 21% fewer prostate operations were performed than in 1993. Standard prostate operations constituted more than 90% of operations during the entire period. The use of the new techniques has been constantly low.