Receptor flexibility must be incorporated into structure-based drug design in order to portray a more accurate representation of a protein in solution. Our approach is to generate pharmacophore models based on multiple conformations of a protein and is very similar to solvent mapping of hot spots. Previously, we had success using computer-generated conformations of apo human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease (HIV-1p). Here, we examine the use of an NMR ensemble versus a collection of crystal structures, and we compare back to our previous study based on computer-generated conformations. To our knowledge, this is the first direct comparison of an NMR ensemble and a collection of crystal structures to incorporate protein flexibility in structure-based drug design. To provide an accurate comparison between the experimental sources, we used bound structures for our multiple protein structure (MPS) pharmacophore models. The models from an NMR ensemble and a collection of crystal structures were both able to discriminate known HIV-1p inhibitors from decoy molecules and displayed superior performance over models created from single conformations of the protein. Although the active-site conformations were already predefined by bound ligands, the use of MPS allows us to overcome the cross-docking problem and generate a model that does not simply reproduce the chemical characteristics of a specific ligand class. We show that there is more structural variation between 28 structures in an NMR ensemble than 90 crystal structures bound to a variety of ligands. MPS models from both sources performed well, but the model determined using the NMR ensemble appeared to be the most general yet accurate representation of the active site. This work encourages the use of NMR models in structure-based design.