This study examines whether the modulation of biting behavior while subjects are engaged in food texture judgment can be explained as an intra-oral exploratory procedure optimized for recognizing a specified sensory attribute. Subjects were asked to compare two cheese samples for "the force required to penetrate the sample with the molar teeth" (the definition for "hardness" used in this study). Based on this definition, we hypothesize that the subjects targeted the first peak of the bite time-force profile (i.e. the intra-oral phenomenon of the initial fracture) as an essential property for judgment. We observed significant elongation of the first peak in the judgmental biting, compared to the biting without judgment, for all subjects. Shortening of the second peak (teeth-to-teeth contact) duration and decrease of the second peak force were also observed for all subjects. These active biting modulations suggested that the first peak was targeted for judgment, whereas the second peak was not targeted. The sample with greater maximum force or time-integral of the bite force at the first peak was also judged as requiring greater force; these agreements were statistically significant. This result confirmed that the parameters related to the first peak were targeted as judgmental cues. We concluded that the biting behavior in hardness judgment functions as the exploratory procedure and was optimized for encoding the target sensory properties.