Real-time soft tissue modeling has a potential application in medical training, procedure planning and image-guided therapy. This paper characterizes the mechanical properties of organ tissue using a hyperelastic material model, an approach which is then incorporated into a real-time finite element framework. While generalizable, in this paper we use the published mechanical properties of pig liver to characterize an example application. Specifically, we calibrate the parameters of an exponential model, with a least-squares method (LSM) using the assumption that the material is isotropic and incompressible in a uniaxial compression test. From the parameters obtained, the stress-strain curves generated from the LSM are compared to those from the corresponding computational model solved by ABAQUS and also to experimental data, resulting in mean errors of 1.9 and 4.8%, respectively, which are considerably better than those obtained when employing the Neo-Hookean model. We demonstrate our approach through the simulation of a biopsy procedure, employing a tetrahedral mesh representation of human liver generated from a CT image. Using the material properties along with the geometric model, we develop a nonlinear finite element framework to simulate the behaviour of liver during an interventional procedure with a real-time performance achieved through the use of an interpolation approach.