Background/aim: Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) has a wide-ranging effect on cytoprotection. Overproduction of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the liver protects hepatocytes under various pathologic conditions. In this study, we examined the effect of a nontoxic HSP-inducer, PGE1, on acute liver failure after 95% hepatectomy in rats.
Methods: PGE1 or vehicle was intravenously administered to rats 30 min before and during hepatectomy.
Results: Nine of 30 rats pretreated with PGE1 survived, whereas all 20 rats pretreated with vehicle died within 96 h after operation. During the 24-h postoperative period, PGE1 significantly suppressed the release of alanine aminotransferase and elevation of hyaluronic acid. Histological examination showed that the vacuolized hepatocytes and round hepatocytes with pyknotic nuclei are frequently seen in rats pretreated with vehicle, whereas active regeneration is seen in rats pretreated with PGE1. During the first 24 h after surgery, HSP70 induction was absent in the residual livers of vehicle-treated rats. In contrast, PGE1 stimulated the HSP accumulation within 24 h, and viable hepatocytes contained abundant HSP70 in their nuclei.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that PGE1 may prevent acute liver failure after massive hepatectomy, at least in part, by enhancing HSP70 production in the residual liver.