Human herpesvirus (HHV-6) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), are two ubiquitous human herpesviruses which share many common features although they belong to different sub-families. In particular, both viruses are found in lymph nodes of patients suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma. The aim of this study was to detect and to quantify independently HHV-6 and EBV by a real-time PCR in lymph nodes from 86 patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma. EBV quantitative method was compared with LMP-1 protein detection among the same samples. EBV genome was detected for 61.6% of the patients (53/86) and the highest prevalence of this virus was observed in Hodgkin's lymphoma with mixed-cellularity histopathological type (80%). In contrast to that, HHV-6 genome was detected for 79.1% of the patients (68/86) and was most observed in the nodular-sclerosis group (83.6%). Among the 68 HHV-6 positive samples, 63 belonged to the B subtype. A large number of biopsies (47.7%) were positive for both viruses whereas a little number (7%) was negative for both. EBV quantitation and LMP-1 immunohistochemistry were correlated statistically but this latter technique was less sensitive. Among the nodular-sclerosis patients, HHV-6-/EBV+ patients were significatively older than HHV-6+/EBV- patients. Patients infected dually had higher values of quantitation for each virus than those positive for one virus. Data of the clinical follow-up obtained by diagnosis and during the treatment of 83 patients, were correlated with the virological findings.