Fast line-shape correction procedure for imaging Fourier-transform spectrometers

Appl Opt. 2007 Jul 20;46(21):4674-9. doi: 10.1364/ao.46.004674.


An instrument line-shape correction method adapted to imaging Fourier-transform spectrometers is demonstrated. The method calibrates all pixels on the same spectral grid and permits a direct comparison of the spectral features between pixels such as emission or absorption lines. Computation speed is gained by using matrix line-shape integration formalism rather than properly inverting the line shape of each pixel. A monochromatic source is used to characterize the spectral shift of each pixel, and a line-shape correction scheme is then applied on measured interferograms. This work is motivated by the emergence of affordable infrared CCD cameras that are currently being integrated in imaging Fourier-transform spectrometers.