We report on the effects of a physiological concentration of Beta-Endorphin (BE) (10(-12)M) on Concanavalin A (ConA) stimulated human peripheral blood T-lymphocytes and monocytes. We evaluated the effect of timing of BE addition to the culture medium on thymidine uptake, the kinetics of expression of activation markers (CD69, CD25 and CD71) on CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes, and of class II MHC antigens on CD14+ cells (monocytes), the kinetics of interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) release, and the cell cycle. Data show that BE is able to influence T lymphocyte only when added together with ConA at the beginning of culture, suggesting its major activity is on the early phases of the T cell response. BE did not increase the amount of class II MHC antigens on monocytes and did not preferentially stimulate CD69, CD25 and CD71 antigen expression on either CD4+ or CD8+ lymphocytes. After 24 hours, the relative proportions of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte in S and G2-M phases were not affected by BE, although the opioid did augment the number of cells in the proliferative compartments of the cell cycle, S and G2-M, indicating an actual increase in the number of cells committed to proliferation. BE did not consistently influence the amount of IL-1, IL-2 and IFN-gamma found in the supernatant of ConA stimulated cultures. The mechanism of the enhancing effect on the proliferative response of normal human lymphocytes to ConA by BE, does not seem to be selective for or unique to specific lymphocyte subsets.