tRNAs are transcribed as precursors and processed in a series of required reactions leading to aminoacylation and translation. The 3'-end trailer can be removed by the pre-tRNA processing endonuclease tRNase Z, an ancient, conserved member of the beta-lactamase superfamily of metal-dependent hydrolases. The signature sequence of this family, the His domain (HxHxDH, Motif II), and histidines in Motifs III and V and aspartate in Motif IV contribute seven side chains for the coordination of two divalent metal ions. We previously investigated the effects on catalysis of substitutions in Motif II and in the PxKxRN loop and Motif I on the amino side of Motif II. Herein, we present the effects of substitutions on the carboxy side of Motif II within Motifs III, IV, the HEAT and HST loops, and Motif V. Substitution of the Motif IV aspartate reduces catalytic efficiency more than 10,000-fold. Histidines in Motif III, V, and the HST loop are also functionally important. Strikingly, replacement of Glu in the HEAT loop with Ala reduces efficiency by approximately 1000-fold. Proximity and orientation of this Glu side chain relative to His in the HST loop and the importance of both residues for catalysis suggest that they function as a duo in proton transfer at the final stage of reaction, characteristic of the tRNase Z class of RNA endonucleases.