Aim: was to provide the clinical and biological patterns hemoglobine disease in Tunisia.
Methods: This retrospective study collected to 16 cases of hemoglobin C disease : 6 homozygotic Hb C and 10 heterozygotic Hb C/beta-thalassemia.
Results: The clinical profile is characterized by mild hemolytic anemia (Hb = 11.7 g/dl) associated with splenomegaly and hypersplenism. Contrary to homozygous state, the Hb C/beta-thalassemia is associated with microcytosis and pseudopolycythemia. The diagnosis is based on target cells, specific intraerythrocytic Hb C crystals in blood smear and Hb C level at 100%.
Conclusion: The Hb C disease must be considered as a benign hemoglobinopathy which is associated with a long survival without major complications.