Postural control relies to visual-motion processing (afferent or efferent) and this is thought to be deficient in dyslexics. There is a controversy between clinic and fundamental studies as to the presence of posture abnormalities in dyslexics. To explore further this issue, this study examines posture stability in quite stance in 13 dyslexics (mean age: 13.5 years) and in 13 non-dyslexics (mean age: 13 years). Experiment 1 shows that, similarly to adults and elderly, all children (dyslexics and non-dyslexics), present better stability at near distance (i.e. smaller surface area of the COP, smaller lateral and antero-posterior oscillations). This could be due to reduced angular size of retinal motion signals at far, but also to convergence relaxation. Importantly, the surface area of the COP, lateral and antero-posterior oscillations are significantly higher in dyslexics. Experiment 2 examines posture stability while subjects make active vergence movements between a far and a near target. For many dyslexics, moving the eyes back and forth in depth rather improved postural stability. The only significant difference was that the lateral oscillations were still higher in dyslexics. Experiment 3 uses eye movement recordings (video-oculography) and demonstrates that dyslexics have problems with maintaining stable the angle of vergence for a prolonged period. We conclude that mild postural instability may exist in dyslexics but it could be improved by oculomotor and attention processes.