Early virologic response (EVR) depending on various hepatic fibrosis was analyzed at 12 week of pegylated interferon alfa-2b (Pegintron, 12 KD) with ribavirin treatment among chronic hepatitis C patients (pts) infected with genotype non 2/3. The A group composed 29 pts. They were of staging 0 and grading 1. The group B composed 47 pts of staging 1, C 33 pts of staging 2, D 35 pts of staging 3 and 4. Liver biopsies were analyzed according to the Scheuer's and Knodell's scores. Early virologic response (ERV) was defined as decrease of VL >2 log or undetectable HCV RNA. Viral load (VL) was determined with HCV RNA Assay and CA HCV Monitor Test (Roche Diagn. Sys.). The EVR rates for the A, B, C, D groups were as follow: 86,2% (25/29), 80,9% (38/47), 75,8% (25/33) and 60% (15/25), respectively.