We have measured the abilities of extracts of tissues from human breast tumors to demethylate adducts of O6-meG in exogenous DNA by transfer of the methyl group to an acceptor protein. The results have shown that all 21 specimens examined (including 5 non-neoplastic, 11 malignant tumors and 5 benign growth) contained significant amounts of O6-meG acceptor activity, removing on average 221.1 +/- 2.1 (SEM) fmol O6-meG per mg protein or 10.07 +/- 0.98 (SEM) fmol O6-megG per microgram DNA in the extracts. There were also wide interindividual variations, which were not age-dependent, and there were no significant differences between the non-neoplastic and neoplastic tissues obtained from individuals with benign or with malignant disease. It was estimated that the average number of O6-meG acceptor molecules per cell in normal human breast tissues was calculated as 46,000 +/- 7000 (SEM).