Generally, idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN) is a global glomerular disease that affects the whole of the glomerulus. However, idiopathic segmental MGN (SMGN) that shows IgG deposits in a portion of the glomerulus is encountered often. For clarification of whether SMGN is the same entity as idiopathic global MGN (GMGN), the two diseases were compared. From 1978 to 2004, 38 children (11 with SMGN and 27 with GMGN) received a diagnosis of idiopathic MGN. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed segmental granular IgG staining along the capillary loops in SMGN, whereas GMGN showed global staining. On light microscopy, SMGN showed segmental thickening of the glomerular basement membrane, with spike formation, whereas GMGN showed global lesions. The frequency of C1q deposits in SMGN was significantly higher than that in GMGN (91 versus 41%; P < 0.01). On electron microscopy, mesangial electron-dense deposits were detected in 10 (91%) cases of SMGN and also were found in the subepithelial and intramembranous area, whereas only six (22%) cases of GMGN had mesangial electron-dense deposits (P < 0.001). There were no significant differences in clinical features between the groups. Two children with SMGN underwent a repeat biopsy 3 yr after the first biopsy, and both patients again showed SMGN. At the final observation (mean observation time 7.5 yr in SMGN and 12.4 yr in GMGN), all children of both groups had a good outcome. In conclusion, these findings as a whole suggest that SMGN may be another glomerular disease entity with child predominance that is distinctive from GMGN.