The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is an automated test for monitoring HIV-1 viral load in plasma samples. The assay uses reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technology with homogeneous real-time fluorescent detection. Automated sample preparation is performed on the m2000sp instrument where RNA is isolated using magnetic microparticle technology and dispensed to a PCR tray together with the amplification reagents. The PCR tray is then transferred to the Abbott m2000rt instrument for amplification and real-time detection. The assay utilizes two distinct sets of primers and probes for HIV-1 and for internal control (IC). The IC is processed along with each sample to control for sample recovery and inhibition. The HIV-1 primer and probe sequences are targeted to the integrase (IN) region of the polymerase (pol) gene. Due to the selection of a highly conserved target region and a novel, mismatch tolerant probe design, the assay can quantitate HIV-1 group M subtypes A-H, group O, and group N isolates. The assay provides high reproducibility and a wide dynamic range, allowing quantitation from 40 copies to 10 million copies of HIV-1 RNA per milliliter of plasma. HIV-1 RNA concentrations detected with 95% probability were 25copies/mL with 1.0mL of plasma, 39copies/mL with 0.6mL of plasma, 65copies/mL with 0.5mL of plasma, and 119copies/mL with 0.2mL of plasma.