Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. The underlying mechanisms involved in cardiac dysfunction and heart failure are poorly understood. In this study, 2-DE was utilised to map, for the first time, proteins of normal, nonfailing mouse ventricular tissues to form a basis for future comparative analysis of mouse models with cardiovascular disorders. Proteins were obtained from ventricles of C57BL6 mice, aged 18 wk, and separated by 2-DE. A total of 150 protein spots, corresponding to 77 distinct proteins, were identified by MALDI-TOF MS. The proteins identified in mouse ventricles covered a wide range of biological processes (e.g. cell cycle, muscle contraction and signal transduction), with the majority of proteins contributing to cardiomyocyte energetics and cell structure. This 2-D gel map of mouse myocardial proteins will be an invaluable tool in proteomic research for the detection of protein changes and identifying cardiac biomarkers of cardiovascular disease.