From January 2000 to July 2005 in U.O. Emergency Surgery of Foggia Hospital 40 pz affects by abdominal abscess have been treated (39 post-operative, 1 in diverticulitis) by percutaneous drainage. This treatment has been made only in patients not affects by the serious septic shock, or by wide-spread peritonitis or in the locations to get by to reach by this method. The catheter permanently has been put in 14 pts and the drainage extempore of abdominal abscesses has been made in 26 pts in 28 cases the process cleared up by the one only treatment (6 catheter and 22 percutaneous drainage), in 12 cases has been necessary more drainage treatments (in 4 cases the extempore drainage and in 8 cases the drainage + catheter). One patient has been reoperated because the abscess was intractable by the percutaneous drainage. The serious complications not has been annotated. The persistent slight temperature only has been annoted after the drainage in 3 pts. The percutaneous drainage, consequently, represent a safe, manageable treatment with effectiveness comparable with surgery drainage with less morbility and mortality.