To compare the quality of life (QOL) in patients with ileal neobladder and sigmoidal neobladder, a retrospective survey was conducted using a formulated questionnaire. Between January and March 1999, a QOL survey was conducted using self-administered questionnaires (EORTC QLQ-C30, IPSS, supplemented with detailed questionnaires about continence, sexual function, and patient's satisfaction with the selected urinary diversion method) for 78 patients with orthotopic urinary reservoir (OUR) who were followed-up for more than 3 months after cystectomy. Among 78 patients, 63 had OUR using an ileal segment (male/female=59/4, median age: 70.8 years old, median follow-up: 1.7 years). Fifteen patients had OUR using a sigmoidal segment (male/female=13/2, median age: 71.9, median follow-up: 3.9). The QLQ-C30 functional evaluation and the items in relation to sexual function showed no differences between the 2 groups. Concerning the voiding condition, bladder emptying, frequency, and urgency, scores in the sigmoidal OUR group were significantly higher. The QOL score concerning voiding conditions, daytime, and nighttime continence and quantity of pad showed a better score in the ileal OUR group. Concerning the satisfaction with methods of urinary diversion, patients in the sigmoidal OUR group expressed less satisfaction than their preoperative expectations. Considering several postoperative voiding conditions, ileal OUR seems superior to sigmoidal OUR.