The oxidative/antioxidative status was investigated in maximal electroshock-induced seizures in mice, a well established model of generalized seizures in humans. Mice were given a single electroshock resulting in tonic convulsions. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC), lipid peroxidation intensity and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity was measured spectrophotometrically in the brain, plasma and erythrocytes collected from mice sacrificed at different time points after stimulation. For comparison, sham-stimulated and subeffectively stimulated (no tonic seizures) mice were used. Tonic seizures caused an immediate increase in GSH-Px activity in the brain and during the following three hours the enzyme activity decreased below control values. Similar changes were seen after subconvulsive stimulations, however, a significant increase occurred only one hour after electroshock. A marked TAC reduction in the brain was observed three hours after subconvulsive stimulations. Nevertheless, no significant changes in TAC after tonic seizures were noted. TAC in plasma was significantly reduced three hours after both subconvulsive and convulsive stimulation. Marked reduction of lipid peroxidation intensity in the brain and plasma was recorded after both modes of stimulation. In conclusion, pronounced changes in oxidative/antioxidative status in mice following electroshock are caused by both convulsive and subconvulsive stimuli. Participation of oxidative stress in seizures and pathophysiology of epilepsy awaits further clarification.