Saphenous vein is nowadays the material of choice performing on femoro-distal revascularisation; when this is not available, it is important to use a material which gives the closest approximation of an ideal conduit and for same time an easy handling during the execution of the anastomosis. Although vein's degenerative alterations are very rare, it has now been shown that there is widespread destruction of the endothelium among infrainguinal vein grafting, producing a relatively thrombogenic surface. These factors may contribute to the initial failure rate of these bypasses. For this reason we suggest to employ a segment of thromboendarterectomized SFA (superficial femoral artery) as a distal part of a composite bypass. Twenty-four composite bypasses were performed using three different methods over a total of 123 femoro-distal revascularizations. Eighteen months follow-up showed more than 50% and more than 75% patency rate comparing type B (graft or thromboendarterectomized SFA + autogenous saphenous vein) and type C (thromboendarterectomyied SFA + graft). We believe, waiting for a wider follow-up, that this technique could be a valid alternative to a femoro-distal revascularization when saphenous vein is not available.