Fission-track dating of haughton astrobleme and included biota, devon island, Canada

Science. 1987 Sep 25;237(4822):1603-5. doi: 10.1126/science.237.4822.1603.


Haughton Astrobleme is a major extraterrestrial impact structure located on Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Northwest Territories. Apatite grains separated from shocked Precambrian gneiss contained in a polymict breccia from the center of the astrobleme yielded a fission-track date of 22.4 million +/- 1.4 million years before the present or early Miocene (Aquitanian). This provides a date for the impact event and an upper limit on the age of crater-filling lake sediments and a flora and vertebrate fauna occurring in them. A geologically precise date for these fossils provides an important biostratigraphic reference point for interpreting the biotic evolution of the Arctic.