A column-switching high-performance liquid chromatographic method, requiring no sample preparation apart from filtration, is described for quantification of urinary orotic acid, uracil and pseudouridine. The analyses were carried out using a reversed-phase octadecylsilane-bonded column for sample clean-up and a cation-exchange column for separation; 5-20 microliters samples of urine were directly analysed, and more than 100 samples could be analysed consecutively. Each sample required only 30 min. Detection limits of these compounds were 5 pmol. Creatinine-related urinary uracil excretion was lowest in the newborn period (17.3 +/- 14.4 mumol/g of creatinine). A patient with partial ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency and his mother usually excreted a high level of uracil during the period of normal orotic acid excretion and normal serum ammonia level.