Formyl peptides released from Gram-negative bacteria ligate a group of specific mammalian receptors, expressed mainly on granulocytes, monocytes, and macrophages. Receptor ligation activates different transduction cascades, eventually leading to the release of reactive oxygen species and other bactericidal chemical species, and the activation of the actin cytoskeleton with extension of lamellipodia and migration toward the sites of maximal formyl peptide concentration. In vitro, under conditions of nongradient formyl peptide concentrations, lamellipodia form all around the cell contour (chemokinesis). In granulocytes challenged under these conditions with N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, (i) the power spectrum of the contour of activated cells shows a peak at a specific periodicity, indicating that the lamellipodial extension is not completely random but stochastically conforms to a deterministic scheme, and (ii) the morphological response (percent of cells exhibiting chemokinesis) tends to reach a maximum at certain drug concentrations, then declining at higher concentrations. Accordingly, the logarithm of the drug concentration-polarizing effect curve is bell-shaped. Herein we illustrate theoretical models for the simulation of these two components of the chemokinetic responses. We show that the main traits of the general morphology and arrangement of lamellipodia may be simulated by an algorithm that starting from a situation of random distribution of active receptors on the cell membrane, encompasses in the successive calculation cycles both a local autocatalytic enhancement of the actin polymerization and a relative inhibition of the actin polymerization at some distance from the more active polymerization foci. In addition, a drug log concentration-polarizing effect bell-shaped curve may be simulated by assuming that the N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, while binding with high affinity to the specific receptor, is also able to bind to another lower affinity receptor that may effect depolarizing actions or, more generally, metabolic blocking effects. Under these conditions, at low drug concentrations the polarizing effect brought about by the ligation of the specific receptor is largely predominant. However, as the drug concentration increases and the specific receptors approach saturation, the inhibitory effects become more and more powerful and the net polarizing effect is reduced.