We retrospectively analyzed 77 patients with pathologically diagnosed angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma from a single city. There were 43 men and 34 women; the median age was 64.5 years (range, 30-91 yr). Average time between first symptoms of the disease and diagnosis was 3.6 months. At diagnosis, peripheral nodes were present in all but 1 patient, and were generalized in 90% of cases. Constitutional symptoms were reported in 77% of cases and spleen enlargement in 51%. A cutaneous eruption--morbilliform, urticarial, or more polymorphic--was present in 45% of patients; in one-third of them, the eruption occurred after drug administration. Other clinical manifestations included pleuritis (22%); arthralgia or arthritis (17%); ear, nose, and throat involvement (14%); central or peripheral neurologic manifestations (10%); and ascites (5%). Most patients presented with advanced disease at diagnosis (bone marrow involvement in 60% of cases). The main laboratory abnormalities were elevated lactate dehydrogenase levels (71%), inflammatory syndrome (67%), hypergammaglobulinemia (50%), anemia (51%), and lymphopenia (52%). Auto- or disimmune manifestations were reported in one-third of patients: autoimmune hemolytic anemia was present at diagnosis in 19% of patients and thrombocytopenic purpura in 7%. Documented vasculitis was described in 12% of cases. Clonality was analyzed in lymph nodes in 47 patients: T-cell and B-cell clones were found in 45 (96%) and 20 (45%) patients, respectively. Chromosomal abnormalities were identified in 62% of cases: trisomies 3, 5, 18, 19, additional X chromosome, and deletion of chromosome 7 were the most common abnormalities. The current study underlines the diversity of presenting manifestations of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma.