Combined processes of pre-chemical oxidation and biological aerated filter (BAF) were used to treat wastewater containing non-biodegradable acid rose red dye. Advance oxidation processes (AOPs) of ozone and Fenton reagent were applied for pre-chemical oxidation, which reduced the degree of color and organic matter simultaneously increasing the biodegradability of the wastewater. The majority of the organic matter was removed by BAF. When using ozone as pre-chemical oxidation, the operation is simpler. The combined processes of AOPs, including ozone and Fenton reagent, followed by BAF reduced the color and chemical oxygen demand (COD) to less than 20 degrees and 40 mg l(-1), respectively from the influent concentration of about 4000 degree color and 300 mg l(-1) COD. The effluent water quality could meet the required standard for grey water reuses.