The management of groin wounds is a common and challenging problem encountered in surgical practice. The purpose of this study is to examine the anatomic basis of the gracilis muscle with relation to this problem. Twelve cadaveric lower limbs were studied to examine both the extramuscular and intramuscular vasculature of the gracilis muscle. These underwent dissection and in 3 cases radiologic examination. The mean entry point of the dominant arterial pedicle was 9.4 cm, with mean length and width of the muscle recorded as 38.4 cm and 6.2 cm, respectively. Each gracilis muscle was then mobilized between the adductor longus and adductor magnus muscles on its dominant pedicle and transposed into the femoral triangle. In each case, the gracilis muscle mobilized easily on its dominant pedicle to adequately cover the groin. The gracilis muscle is a reliable muscle flap with a consistent blood supply, which can be transposed easily into the groin, based on its dominant pedicle, and offers adequate coverage of the femoral vessels.