Objectives: To prospectively assess the prevalence of urinary tract symptoms caused by indwelling ureteral stents and how they affect their quality of life using an specific questionnaire.
Material and methods: A total of 100 patients with unilateral indwelling ureteral stents were asked to complete an specific questionnaire that include questions on urinary symptoms: dysuria, frequency of urination, incomplete empting, urgency, incontinence, haematuria and bother or pain associated with urinary stents affecting the daily activities of the patients. They were also asked to compete International Prostate Symptoms Score questionnaire and a question on quality of life. Pain was assessed from 0 to 10 using a VAS (visual analogic scale).
Results: 46 men and 54 women, mean age 54 years, completed the study. Mean time after stent insertion was 6.5 weeks. The cause of the insertion was in 40% due to the size of the stone, previous to ESWL, 33% due to urinary tract obstruction, 25% due to infection, and the others after a surgical procedure. 95% of patients with stent positioning without general anesthesia complaint of pain during the procedure. 89% of patients reported bothersome urinary symptoms, named in order of frequence: nycturia, frequence voiding, incomplete empting, dysuria, urgence, haematuria and incontinence. More than 70% of patients experienced pain that impaired daily activities, in 52% pain was located at the flank and in 47% at the bladder. 60% of patients signalled that they were not satisfied with their quality of life with the indwelling catheter.
Conclusions: Urinary symptoms and pain related to indwelling double pig tailed ureteral stens affect the daily activities and reduces the quality of life of 60% of patients.