Cooperation between CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells is required for the proper development of primary effector and memory CD8(+) T cells following immunization with noninflammatory immunogens. In this study, we characterized murine CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses to male-specific minor histocompatibility (HY) Ags following injection of live male cells into females of the same strain. Male cells are rejected 10-12 days after transfer, coinciding with the expansion and effector function of CD8(+) CTLs to two H-2D(b)-restricted epitopes. Although anti-HY CD4(+) T cell responses are readily detectable day 5 posttransfer, CD8(+) responses are undetectable until day 10. The early CD4(+) response is not dependent on direct presentation of Ag by donor male cells, but depends on presentation of the male cells by recipient APC. The CD4(+) T cell response is required for the priming of CD8(+) T cell effector responses and rejection of HY-incompatible cells. Unexpectedly, HY-specific CD4(+) T cells are also capable of efficiently lysing target cells in vivo. The delay in the CD8(+) T cell response can be largely abrogated by depleting T cells from the male inoculum, and donor male CD8(+) T cells in particular suppress host anti-HY CD8(+) responses. These data demonstrate dramatic differences in host T cell responses to noninflammatory Ags compared with responses to pathogens. We explain the delayed CD8(+) response by proposing that there is a balance between cross-presentation of Ag by helper cell-licensed dendritic cells, on the one hand, and veto suppression by live male lymphocytes on the other.