Aim: This pilot study reports on the uptake of (123)I-interleukin 2 (IL-2) in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (MRCC) patients and its relationship to prognostic factors of response or failure of MRCC to cytokines treatment.
Methods: Nine consecutive patients with MRCC underwent an (123)I-IL-2 scan (6 male and 3 female; mean age 64 years; range 51-78). Uptake in metastases was related to a summed score of 4 independent factors, predictive of rapid progression under cytokine treatment as defined by Negrier et al.
Results: Four patients presented with metastases at one site, 4 at 2 sites and one patient at 3 different sites. Summed scores were: 5 patients had a summed score of 1; 3 a summed score of 2 and 1 patient a summed score of 3. Uptake of (123)I-IL-2 by tumor tissue was found in only 2 patients. Uptake occurred in 1 patient with a summed score of 3 and in 1 with a summed score of 2.
Conclusion: In this small series of patients with MRCC, (123)I-IL-2 uptake was found in tumors of 2 patients who less likely will benefit from cytokine treatment. Additional studies are needed to assess the relationship between the pretreatment uptake of (123)/I-IL2 in MRCC and the response to IL-2 therapy.