Objective: There have been few studies investigating the level of cigarette smoke pollution to which people in several public and private places are exposed. The purpose of this study was to quantify the level of air pollution produced by cigarette smoking in workplaces and leisure settings.
Methods: The study was carried out in Braga, Portugal, in 2005. Nicotine content in indoor air was measured using passive monitors containing a 37-mm diameter filter inside treated with sodium bisulphate. The monitors were installed in predefined public workplaces and leisure settings. Median nicotine content was estimated for each place studied.
Results: Nicotine was detected in 85% of the samples. Extremely high air contamination levels were found in discos with a median of 82.26 microg/m3, ranging between 5.79 and 106.31 microg/m3. Workplaces of public administration and university buildings showed the lowest nicotine content.
Conclusions: The study findings confirm the need to promote the implementation of smoke-free policies in workplaces and leisure settings to protect workers' health and as a reinforcing measure of an environment which facilitates smokers to quit smoking.