The 1.06 micron Nd:YAG laser and a new fiberoptic delivery system, the Interstitial Thermo-Therapy (ITT) laser fibre, allows stereotactic interstitial irradiation of cerebral tumours. In experimental rat brain studies we found typical laser-tissue effects with a central necrosis and a sharply demarcated oedema towards the normal brain. The size of the lesion depended on the energy and exposure time applied. In a pilot series we treated 5 patients with cerebral gliomas WHO grade II-III in functionally important regions and monitored the therapeutic effects by MR imaging and PET scan. Early post-operative results showed irreversible necrotic changes in the tumour centre and reversible oedematous changes at the tumour margin. Long-term results will show if stereotactic interstitial laser therapy is a useful supplementary method in the treatment of malignant cerebral tumours.