After the discovery of HCV in 1989 a great amount of data has been produced in order to identify a possible aetiology for a number of idiopathic diseases, especially those with a suspected immune origin. Many associations have not been confirmed by prospective studies (as in the case of autoimmune hepatitis); other immune abnormalities, such as the emergence of non organ-specific autoantibodies and cryoglobulins, have been reported by many specific studies. To date, the link between HCV and autoreactivity is tentatively explained on the basis of sequence homologies shared by the HCV polyprotein and "self" proteins (such as CYP 2D6, target of anti-LKM1) (molecular mimicry mechanism); a second interpretation relies on the demonstration that the HCV - B lymphocyte interaction is able to induce a polyclonal B cell activation, an important cofactor for the development of clinically relevant B-lymphocyte autoimmune disorders. In this review we will focus on the major aspects of the autoimmune phenomena in HCV-infected patients, their clinical and therapeutical implications.