We present results on the valence level excitation, ionization and dissociation of adenine, using time-of-flight mass spectrometry and synchrotron radiation, in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) range of 12-21 eV. The measurements were performed using a gas-phase (Ne) harmonics filter in order to eliminate contributions from higher-order harmonics. Mass spectra were obtained using the photoelectron-photoion coincidence technique (PEPICO). The relative abundances for each ionic fragment and their mean kinetic energy release have been determined from the analysis of the corresponding peak shapes in the mass spectra. Comparison with the available photoelectron spectra and previous measurements allowed the assignment of the main features in the spectra. A discussion on the dissociative photoionization channels of this molecule has also been included. Due to our harmonics-free incident photon beam we were able to propose new appearance energy (AE) for the most important ionic channels in this energy range. The precursor ion, C(5)H(5)N(5)+, is the most abundant species (40% at 15 eV and 20% at 20 eV), which confirms the high stability of adenine upon absorption of VUV photons. We have observed other intense fragment ions such as: C(4)H(4)N(4)+, C(3)H(3)N(3) (+), C(2)H(2)N(2)+ and HCNH+. The production of the neutral HCN fragment represents up to 40% of the dissociative channels for this molecule as induced by VUV photons.
Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.