Depriving mouse sympathetic neurons of nerve growth factor (NGF) causes their apoptotic death. A Bax-dependent increase of mitochondrial-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) begins in these cells soon after NGF withdrawal. We investigated the effects on these ROS of adding NGF to cultures of NGF-deprived neurons. ROS levels were monitored with the fluorescent, redox-sensitive dyes CM-H2DCFDA and MitoSOX Red. The intensity of the former dye increases when it is oxidized by H2O2 and free radicals downstream of H2O2. MitoSOX Red is relatively insensitive to oxidation by H2O2 but is sensitive to oxidation by superoxide (O2*-). Withdrawing NGF increased CM-H2DCFDA intensity, indicating elevated H2O2-associated ROS. Re-exposure of cells deprived of NGF to NGF resulted in rapid suppression of these ROS. Neurons deprived of NGF also had increased MitoSOX Red intensities. Readdition of NGF had no effect on MitoSOX Red fluorescence. The suppression of CM-H2DCFDA-detected ROS by NGF was caused by a rapid activation of glutathione redox cycling. The most likely explanation for these findings is that mitochondria increased O2*- production after NGF withdrawal. The O2*- was converted to H2O2 by dismutation, and the H2O2 was detoxified by accelerated glutathione redox cycling. Our previous work shows that H2O2 induces cytochrome c to be released from mitochondria in NGF-supported sympathetic neurons, whereas antioxidants that detoxify H2O2 block cytochrome c redistribution in NGF-deprived neurons. Readdition of NGF also immediately inhibits cytochrome c release. We present evidence that this inhibition is mediated by the rapid activation of glutathione redox cycling by NGF.