Although there may not be a direct association between oral hygiene and implant failure, oral hygiene must be maintained around implants in the edentulous mouth. Bacterial plaque on dentures can act as a reservoir for pathogens that cause respiratory disease. Unfortunately, many edentulous patients have poor oral hygiene. In this article, we describe the development of a brochure to educate patients wearing mandibular overdentures supported by 2 implants as a supplement to the dentist"s verbal instructions. Dental literature and several specialists were consulted during preparation of the brochure, which contains photographs accompanying oral hygiene instructions. It was sent to 25 participants who were subsequently called and questioned regarding its content and their oral hygiene habits. The 24 respondents found the brochure useful; most reported that they would keep the brochure for future reference and that they learned something new about how to maintain their implants properly. No one found the brochure too long or unclear. Most participants read the brochure entirely, rather than skimming it. The brochure is available to all clinicians who wish to incorporate this tool into their implant overdenture therapeutic approach.